Test only what has Changed!

See the changes Developers made before testing and publishing the app to production. Helps you to improve the quality of your apps. A real timesaver!

Track Changes with PlatformManager.

One of the biggest challenges when developing Dashboards is testing!

Testing the whole app takes too much time because testers never know what has changed. They can execute regression tests, but the risk of production errors slipping through is huge!

Difference Analyses show the major changes between 2 versions of an app. Changes in the script, sheets, visuals, connections, and usage of extensions are all visible.

You can now focus on testing the changes. It takes less time and the result is much more reliable!” 

Don't trust us,
trust our 200+ customers

Thanks to PlatformManager the entire development, testing and management process for our QlikView environment has become more professional, efficient and controlled.

Edwin Terink
Senior BI Specialist Reporting House

“We use PlatformManager to keep our business running. It offers us a great environment for application lifecycle management, for both SAP/BO and Qlik – allowing us to minimize risk, reduce costs and improve results.”

Bram Talstra, Johan Molenaar & Onno Oosterkamp
BI Team members at Accell Group

“The ability to control outsourced and in-house development and testing, combined with the integrated migration capabilities, is key to us using PlatformManager.”

Bart Millecam
Staff Manager at Honda Motor Europe Logistics (HMEL)

PlatformManager allows us to optimize our use of QlikView and Qlik Sense apps by providing reliable Release Management and publication processes.

Hendrik Gruss
Data Engineer, Pixum Diginet GmbH & Co. KG

We love PlatformManager. If you’re not using it, you’re missing out!”

Erich Muff
Global Reporting Manager

Frequently asked

Yes! Besides support for QlikView and Qlik Sense on-premise or private cloud implementations, Qlik Cloud is also supported starting version 5 of PlatformManager. Both hybrid implementations and full cloud are supported. You will need a specific license key to enable you to use the Qlik Cloud platform with PlatformManager. Visit our Support portal for the latest version.

You can watch our product Videos or you can register for a LIVE demo. If you already know what PlatformManager offers, but you want to try it for yourself, you can start a FREE Trial which allows you to test drive the solution for 3 days.

Yes, you can. If you feel more comfortable having a local Qlik partner to support you, please take a look at our registered partners. If you don't see your Qlik partner on our list, encourage him to contact us. You can also purchase our solution directly from us!

If you have an issue with PlatformManager you can email [email protected], or you can submit a ticket through the support portal which you can find in the menu of the website under Login

Yes. We plan to sponsor Qlik World 2023 so if you go that's a perfect place to meet our team and discuss our solution!

We are always looking for experienced or young talent to join our team. So, if you're a Developer, Consultant, Marketing or Sales, send your resume to info@PlatformManager.com and we'll contact you!

More main features

A single PlatformManager implementation can be used to work with support multiple BI Solutions. All PlatformManager users are always licensed to work with every BI Solution without additional user costs.

Start saving
time today

The best way to tap into the benefits of working with PlatformManager is to start a FREE trial. You’ll get 3 consecutive days of full access to one of our cloud servers.

You can test-drive the solution without any costs using our demo set of apps and data.

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Trusted by over 200 companies,
supported by over 30 Qlik partners.