Introduction to AI in App Development

The hype surrounding AI looks set to continue – with a new generative platform or intelligent feature from big tech deployed seemingly weekly at this point. The buzz around generative AI in particular has found even greater success because of its appeal to a broader audience. If, however, we focus on developers and their deployments, how exactly can AI help them in particular?

Looking to get on top of your BI app DevOps and want a solid solution that will work for you and your business? Look no further than PlatformManager, get in touch today for a free demo.

Building an App with AI

While many businesses are initially hesitant about building apps using AI, there is already precedent within development communities. Many use AI across many stages of the process, let’s take a closer look.

Planning and Requirements

The foundation of any successful app lies in clear requirements and precise planning. AI can assist in this phase by analyzing large datasets to identify user needs, market trends, and potential features. For instance, natural language processing (NLP) tools can sift through user feedback, reviews, and social media comments to generate actionable insights. This data-driven approach helps teams prioritize the features that matter most to users, reducing the risk of project failure.

Technologies and Tools

AI-driven code analysis tools can detect bugs, vulnerabilities, and inefficiencies early in the development cycle. Some popular AI tools for developers include GitHub Copilot, which offers code suggestions, and DeepCode, which provides real-time code reviews that can help developers as they’re doing their job.

Development and Testing

In the development and testing phases, AI enhances efficiency by automating repetitive tasks and improving the accuracy of testing procedures. Automated testing tools powered by AI can generate test cases, execute them, and even predict potential points of failure in the code. This reduces the need for manual testing and can accelerate the release cycle, ensuring the final product is of the highest quality.

AI DevOps: Enhancing IT Operations

Implementing AI in DevOps can be a game-changer, making processes more efficient and helping teams deliver better software faster. The theme with any application of AI is greater consistency, with less human input, at higher speeds. Those are the types of top-level benefits that any AI application needs to deliver, in fact, any technical solution needs to improve quality and reduce work – that should go without saying.

AI for IT Operations

AI is not only transforming app development but also revolutionizing IT operations through AI-driven DevOps practices. Known as AIOps, this approach leverages AI to automate, optimize, and enhance various aspects of IT operations.


Automation is at the heart of AIOps. AI-driven automation tools can handle tasks such as continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD), infrastructure management, and incident response. By automating these processes, organizations can reduce human error, lower operational costs, and improve the overall efficiency of their IT operation.

Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics is another powerful application of AI in DevOps. By analyzing historical data and current trends, AI can predict potential issues before they occur. This includes identifying patterns that may lead to system failures, security breaches, or performance bottlenecks. With predictive analytics, DevOps teams can take proactive measures to prevent disruptions, ensuring that systems run smoothly and efficiently.

Machine Learning in DevOps

Machine learning is a subset of AI and is all about having an AI improve its performance over time in whatever activity it’s built for. We don’t have time to fully dig into the topic in this piece but you’ll find the key obstacles to integration as well as its benefits below.

Integration Challenges

While the benefits of AI and machine learning in DevOps are clear, integrating these technologies into existing workflows can present challenges. One of the primary obstacles is the complexity of machine learning models and the need for specialized knowledge to implement and maintain them. Additionally, integrating AI with legacy systems can require significant adjustments to existing infrastructure. All of this comes with a price tag and right now it can be an expensive one as the technologies are relatively nascent and there aren’t that many specialists in the sector compared with other technologies.

Solutions and Benefits

It’s possible for ML models to predict potential issues in deployment before they occur, as well as improve performance monitoring, and improve resource management by analyzing vast amounts of operational data. This leads to faster incident detection and resolution, reducing downtime, and increasing system reliability. On top of that, ML can optimize CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) pipelines by identifying bottlenecks and suggesting improvements. These are all things that BI developers, and the businesses they support, want.

The AI App Developer Role

AI app development is evolving as AI becomes more integrated into the development process. These developers are not only responsible for traditional coding tasks but also for implementing AI models, training machine learning algorithms, and optimizing AI-driven features. As AI  application development continues to advance, the demand for skilled AI app developers is expected to grow, making this a promising career path for those with the right expertise.

Examples of AI Applications

While any industry can benefit from AI in theory, there are some sectors that are particularly relishing the new surge in AI technologies on the market.


AI is making a significant impact in healthcare, from improving diagnostics to enhancing patient care. AI-powered apps can analyze vast libraries of medical images, assist in creating personalized treatment plans, and there are examples of it being used to predict patient outcomes which could be huge, especially for modeling medical trials.


In the finance sector, AI is used for everything from fraud detection to algorithmic trading. Finance is also a space that has leveraged predictive models effectively for decades and so there is some familiarity with AI-driven apps.


Retailers are leveraging AI to enhance the customer experience, optimize supply chains, and improve inventory management. AI-powered recommendation engines, for example, analyze customer behavior to suggest products that are most likely to be purchased. Being able to more effectively personalize the customer experience is huge and AI is helping push that forward. 

The AI App Developer Role

The role of an AI app developer is becoming increasingly vital as artificial intelligence continues to transform the software development landscape. These developers possess a unique blend of skills that go beyond traditional coding, encompassing the design, implementation, and optimization of AI models that enhance app functionality and user experience. They are responsible for tasks such as integrating AI-powered features like natural language processing and predictive analytics, managing large datasets for model training, and ensuring that these models are both efficient and scalable across different platforms.


As businesses increasingly recognize the potential of AI, the demand for AI app developers is rapidly growing. These professionals are at the forefront of technological innovation, driving the development of intelligent applications that learn, adapt, and provide personalized experiences. With AI becoming integral to modern app development, AI app developers are not only shaping the future of software but also enjoying promising career prospects in an ever-expanding field.

Mobile App Intelligence

AI is also playing a pivotal role in mobile app intelligence. By analyzing user behavior, AI can provide insights into how users interact with apps, which features they use most, and where they encounter issues. This data allows developers to make informed decisions about updates, features, and user experience improvements, ultimately leading to more successful mobile application roadmaps that can be evolved based on real-world data.

AI Deployment Strategies

Deploying AI in app development and DevOps requires careful planning and strategy. Organizations must consider factors such as infrastructure, scalability, and data management. One effective strategy is to start with small pilot projects to test AI capability and gradually scale up as the technology proves its value. 

AI in DevOps: Future Trends

Looking ahead, the role of AI in DevOps is expected to expand even further. Future trends include more advanced AI-driven automation, the rise of autonomous IT operations, and the integration of AI with other technologies such as edge computing and 5G. As these technologies continue to evolve, AI will become an even more integral part of the DevOps landscape, hopefully driving greater innovation and efficiency across the board.


AI certainly headlines a great deal of technical spaces right now and with good reason – it’s an exciting technology. But that’s exactly what it is: a technology. Nothing more, nothing less. A solution having AI doesn’t make it automatically good and by the same logic a solution without AI isn’t lacking.


We’ve built PlatformManager to help BI developers better manage collaboration, testing, deployment, and updates – all things DevOps. Our solution currently doesn’t have any AI functionality but it’s still extremely powerful and built for purpose.


We’ll continue to develop the platform in a way that is beneficial in the long term to our customers. Whether or not we choose to add AI simply depends on whether or not it adds value. We’re not interested purely in buzz or the next greatest piece of technology, just in things that add value to our users. It really is that simple.


Looking to get on top of your BI app DevOps and want a solid solution that will work for you and your business? Look no further than PlatformManager, get in touch today for a free demo.