Why PlatformManager Gives To The WWF
At PlatformManager, we believe in the importance of giving back and supporting causes that align with our values. For many years, we have proudly supported the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), an organization dedicated to conserving nature and reducing the most pressing threats to the diversity of life on Earth. If your business doesn’t already have a nominated charity, we’d love to show you why we chose WWF.

A Shared Mission For A Sustainable Future
WWF’s mission and work revolve around six ambitious goals: forests, marine, freshwater, wildlife, food, and climate. By focusing on these critical areas, WWF addresses the complex and urgent problems facing our planet, and its particular approach means that all the effort it puts in is interconnected for maximum impact. This holistic strategy is something we admire and support wholeheartedly.


Nature is under threat. From deforestation and habitat loss to climate change and pollution, the challenges are as big as they are urgent. Organizations like WWF play a crucial role in addressing these threats through science-based conservation strategies and on-the-ground action. By supporting WWF, we are helping to ensure that the natural world remains vibrant and resilient for future generations.


Doing Our Small Part

Every month, PlatformManager donates a fixed amount to WWF. This steady contribution is our small way of ensuring that WWF can continue its vital work in conserving nature and protecting vulnerable species and habitats. Our partnership with WWF is built on a shared belief that preserving nature is essential: not only for the environment but for the well-being of all living beings, including ourselves.


This year, we are taking our support a step further. For every new customer we bring onboard, we’ll make an additional donation to WWF. This initiative is our way of linking our growth to positive environmental impact. As our customer base expands, so does our contribution to the protection of nature. 


At PlatformManager, we believe it is important to give back. Our success as a company allows us to contribute to causes that matter, and there are few causes more important than the preservation of our planet. Our ongoing support for WWF is a reflection of our commitment to making a positive impact on the world around us.


Spreading Awareness

We strive to contribute as much as we can to WWF’s mission, and we hope that this not only supports its work but also raises awareness among our clients and partners about the importance of environmental conservation.


Whether through our regular monthly donations or the additional donations tied to new customers, our goal is to provide consistent and meaningful support. Part of that involves spreading the word. We recognize that protecting nature requires a collective effort, so the more people and businesses we can get to join in, the better.

We invite our customers, partners, and friends to join us in supporting WWF. Together, we can challenge the threats to nature and help ensure that it can continue to provide for all living things. By supporting WWF, we are investing in a healthier, more sustainable future for our planet.